Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hate violence turn it of Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hate violence turn it of - Essay Example Goodman correctly points out that parents pressured elected officials to do something about the regularity of violent shows on television, and they did; a ratings system was enacted. The problem is, however, that parents don’t follow it whatsoever. Goodman also argues that by reducing what could be considered violent conduct on television shows, this restricts people like him who don’t have kids and the right to watch anything that they like. Goodman also makes the point that there were crazy people who committed violent crimes a long time before television came along, so television cannot be blamed for any actions that may or may not have occurred as a result of a television show. I agree with all the points that Goodman has mentioned in this article. Too many people are quick to point the finger at violent televisions shows whenever some mass murderer goes on a killing spree. Trying to claim that violent conduct on television directly caused that person to go and commit that crime is laughable. There may be some link between the events, but it is very weak. I thought that Goodman was correct to say that the television ratings system is generally not followed, even after parents pushed for it. This also comes down to a matter of freedom of speech; why should a regular citizen not be allowed to watch a certain television program because it contains content that may offend

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